Saturday, June 30, 2007

Twin Falls

Jen, Dallin, Thatcher and I all decided to go on a hike today. We hiked up to Twin Falls. This was the first time that we had done this hike. It was really nice. It was steep enough to give us some decent excersize (especially carrying Thatcher and chasing after Dallin), and not too steep that Dallin could hike it himself. Dallin hiked almost the entire trail to the falls and back all by himself. I carried him only the last hundred yards or so since he slowed down to about a crawl.

We had a lot of fun and took some nice pictures.


K said...

kent came over to look at what I was doing.. he saw the pict of dallin in the trees and said,"I wanna go there" -- pointing to the pict. so can we come?

Jason said...

Sure... come on up... we'll take Kent on some good hikes. Dallin would LOVE to play!